Saturday, March 5, 2011

What Roz Thinks About Movie Snacks

I was chatting with a friend at Wal-Mart last night, and our conversation made it's way around to the subject of movie snacks. I have personally have rules about appropriate movie snacks. This may be surprising to some, I for me popcorn is not a suitable movie theater snack. This is because popcorn, especially movie theater popcorn is salty. If I get the popcorn, I will have to get a drink. Drink invite potty trips. I have to go to the potty, I miss part of the movie. As I explained my rules to my friend, she immediately said, "and they do that on purpose." I thought about it for a second, and realized she's right. If salty popcorn makes you want something to drink, which makes you have to get up and potty in the middle of a movie, then you may be more likely to return to see said movie again to pick up on what you missed the first time.

So what do I think are appropriate snacks for movie watching? I prefer nachos or hotdogs. Candy is good as well. I am also the kind of person that is not opposed to having a little snack in her purse to save money. You can buy the same box of candy at Wal-Mart for one dollar as opposed to 3 or 4 fifty at theater. Call me cheap if you will, I prefer efficiently frugal.

That's what Roz thinks about it!

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